The ‘Freedom’ Foundation has an agenda.
Let’s talk about it.

The ‘Freedom’ Foundation has publicly opposed pay raises for state employees.
“It makes little sense to promote a pay raise for state employees who are satisfied enough with their jobs that 90% of them choose to remain employed by the state,” Amber Gunn, Freedom Foundation Blog.
Get the facts on FAIR PAY [click here]

The ‘Freedom’ Foundation wants to end public employee pensions.
“Everything should be on the table . . . states should consider replacing their defined-benefit plans with defined-contribution 401(k) plans,” Bob Williams, founder of the “Freedom” Foundation.
Get the facts on RETIREMENT SECURITY [click here]

The ‘Freedom’ Foundation wants to eliminate public services and good jobs.
“The state and taxpayers would be better off competitively contracting (out) jobs that already exist within the private sector,” Amber Gun, Freedom Foundation Blog
Get the facts on PRESERVING PUBLIC SERVICES [click here]

The ‘Freedom’ Foundation wants to increase our health care monthly premium rates.
“It’s about time state worker health insurance premiums were on the table. The Evergreen Freedom Foundation has long recommended that state workers pay a bigger share . . . ” Freedom Foundation Official Blog.
Get the facts on OUR HEALTHCARE [click here]

The ‘Freedom’ Foundation is a front group for wealthy special interests.
They have a long track-record of disregard for state employees who they view as overpaid and underworked.
Get the facts: ABOUT ‘FREEDOM’ FOUNDATION [click here]

The ‘Freedom’ Foundation has no idea how committed we are to our work.
Public service is a calling that compels us to put the well-being of our communities first.
WE NEVER QUIT on the public good, our communities and our families.